Bio S&T
  • December 16-17, 2020
  • Kerry Hotel Pudong ,Shanghai
  • Shanghai New Int'l Expo Centre

Event Overview

Bio S&T is co-founded by CCCMHPIE, Informa Markets, International Society for Vaccines and Bosnan Consulting, and has deep collaboration with global biotech professional organizations, biopharmaceutical industry and seasoned financial investors interested in biotechnology. It serves as a new platform for the introduction & exchanges of new development in biopharmaceutical science and technologies.

Bio S&T will be held concurrently with CPhI China2020 at SNIEC on December 16-18 2020. It aims at providing a platform for the booming biopharma industry to showcase itself and obtain latest information. It takes the form of combining exhibition and conferences to link individuals and enterprises and to facilitate the communications among experts and regular members of the biotech industry. The goal is to advance China’s biopharma industry in line with the global market.

Bio S&T will track the latest trends in biotech industry and select the most important topics to be part of a three-day high-quality conference during CPhI China 2020. At the same time, individual biotech companies related to the above topics will showcase their technologies and product development. Three topics will be presented as part of 2020 Bio S&T which are key and interlinked areas in the current biotech industry. Such unique exhibition arrangement will enable broad and unrestricted interactions among the participants and to achieve the ultimate objective of greatly accelerating China’s biopharmaceutical industry.


Sponsor(All names in random order)

biost 2020

CPhI China is the leading trade & networking gala of global pharmaceutical industry. Since its introduction into China in year 2001 collaboratively by Informa markets, CCCMHPIE and Sinoexpo Informa markets, CPhI China has been deeply rooted in the API industrial sectors while expanding to cover the entire upstream and downstream chain (for example, lab equipment, pharmamachinery and packaging). CPhI China 2020 is expected to attract over 75,000 visitors and 3,400 exhibitors from more than 140 countries in an exhibition space of 210,000 square meters. Standing on such a big platform, Bio S&T with further strengthen and promote the large molecules drug industries and boost the further development of biopharmaceutical industries of China and the world.